The Scottish Executive published a strategy and action plan for the future development of Scotland's cities, following a review report.
Source: Building Better Cities: Delivering Growth and Opportunities, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566) | Review of Scotland s Cities - The Analysis, Scottish Executive, TSO
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Review (pdf) | Review
Date: 2002-Dec
A progress report was published on the delivery of public services in rural areas of Scotland.
Source: Scottish National Rural Partnership, Implementing Services in Rural Scotland: A Progress Report, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Press release
Date: 2002-Dec
A report identified constraints on the development of community planning in Scotland, including confusion about what community planning means and the absence of a learning culture around it, which is still at an early stage of development.
Source: Eglinton, Capacity Building for Community Planning - A Report to the Community Planning Task Force, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report | Research findings
Date: 2002-Nov
Research in Scotland found widespread support for the principles underlying 'community planning', but some evidence that it can mean different things to different people, and limited evidence of the extent to which it impacts on the mainstream business of partner organisations.
Source: Robert Stevenson, Getting "Under the Skin" of Community Planning: Understanding Community Planning at the Community Planning Partnership Level, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Date: 2002-Oct
A report set out the objectives, targets and resources committed by each Scottish Executive department to ensure that the needs of those living in the most disadvantaged communities are addressed.
Source: Closing the Opportunity Gap, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report | Press release
Date: 2002-Oct
A survey examined the availability of a wide range of services in rural Scotland.
Source: Availability of Services in Rural Scotland, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report
Date: 2002-Oct
Following consultation, the Scottish Executive launched a pilot approach to modernising public services, under which community planning partnerships in twelve areas will use community budgeting to find out whether it delivers better local services, particularly for deprived communities or for communities of interest such as the elderly or children. (Community budgeting is a method of allowing local authorities and their partners, including National Health Service Boards, the police and community groups, to examine the level and nature of public spending in their area.)
Source: Community Budgeting: Responses to a consultation on local services and community engagement, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400) | Press release 31.10.02, Scottish Executive
Links: Consultation (pdf) | Press release
Date: 2002-Oct
A booklet examined how local authorities can involve local people in decision-making, in the light of new legislation in Scotland requiring authorities to improve community planning and consultation processes.
Source: Graham Atherton and Stuart Hashagen with Gabriel Chanan, Charlie Garratt and Alison West, Involving Local People in Community Planning, Community Development Foundation (020 7226 5375)
Links: Summary
Date: 2002-Sep
Research found that, while there are many road safety initiatives being developed within Scotland's most disadvantaged communities, there is still a need for a more formal strategy.
Source: Tony Graham, Road Safety and Social Inclusion, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report
Date: 2002-Aug
Proposals to overhaul crofting in Scotland were published, including the empowerment of individual crofters and the removal of 'restrictive' bureaucracy.
Source: Crofting Reform: Proposals for Legislation, White Paper SE/2002/105, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: White Paper (pdf) | Press release
Date: 2002-Jul
The Scottish Executive published plans for regenerating Scotland s most deprived communities.
Source: Better Communities in Scotland: Closing the Gap, Scottish Executive (0131 2441537)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2002-Jun
A Scottish study found that better integration of rural transport options can help alleviate social exclusion.
Source: D. Halden, et al., Rural Accessibility, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/3, Digest 123 (paragraph 4.7)
Date: 2002-May